If you want to score low in golf... You need to master your chipping. This post offers invaluable golf chipping advice that will have you navigating the greens with confidence.
Not only will you lower your scores but you'll a better plan on how to get there.
so today five tips that can absolutely0:04
transform your chipping0:06
so we're about to get into the golf0:16
season you've had a winter maybe you've0:18
not played as much golf0:19
maybe you've practiced your swing but0:21
you haven't done with short game0:22
you've got back out on the golf course0:24
and these shots are giving you a little0:26
bit of trouble you've lost your touch0:27
you've lost your feel and you0:28
potentially lost a little bit of0:30
technique well today we're going to0:31
transform your chipping0:33
with five tips that you can use to help0:36
up and down from here a little bit more0:39
often so drop down to the comments box0:40
let me know0:41
what is the best chipping tip that you0:45
have ever had do you still use it now0:47
did it transform your game we'd love to0:48
what you're doing on the golf course0:50
that really helps you from these0:52
situations drop down to the comments box0:53
and while you're there0:54
give it a thumbs up and give the channel0:56
a subscribe if you're not already we'd0:57
love to have you part0:59
of this community right let's get1:00
started with tip number one1:03
so tip number one is just don't beTip 1 Dont be a one club wonder
a one club wonder get to know1:11
your bag of clubs so many times people1:14
say to me chris1:15
what club should i chip with i can't1:18
answer that question because it just1:19
really depends on the situation now for1:22
this video1:23
we're talking chipping which for me a1:24
very very short shots like we've got1:26
here where1:27
i'm very close to green and for this1:30
type of shot i'll be using a variety of1:32
move back another 10 15 yards to what i1:35
call short pitch shots1:37
and i'm probably going to be using the1:38
same club for most1:40
but from here i really need to get to1:42
know my clubs1:43
i've got a bag full of clubs there which1:45
all do a different thing i need to know1:46
what they do1:47
so i've got myself here a 56 degree1:50
now a 56 degree wedge1:59
a little bit long might work okay from2:01
but what if the flag was another you2:06
know 152:07
20 feet further on that green well here2:09
i've got my2:10
eight iron2:14
and you can see that ball does a2:16
completely different thing when it gets2:17
on the green2:18
so there's not really anybody can tell2:20
you what club to use2:22
what you need to do is just get really2:25
friendly get familiar with all the clubs2:26
in your bag and figure out what they do2:28
like you've got lots of options there2:31
your job is then to figure out on the2:33
golf course which2:34
is the best option but don't be a one2:37
club wonder2:38
use all the golf clubs in your bag get2:40
to know what they do2:41
and vary that club based on the2:43
situation that is the first point2:44
so important unfortunately not enough2:47
golfers do that2:48
the golfers obviously almost want to be2:50
told what club to use to take that2:51
decision away from us we can't do that2:53
we have to pass it back to you2:55
you need to go and do the practice get2:57
the information and then make the best2:58
as to what club to use based on the3:01
situation that you're in tip number twoTip 2 Set up for success
set up for success so many times3:08
when i look at a golfer chipping before3:10
they even move the club away3:12
i can kind of predict it's not gonna be3:14
a great shot just simply because they3:15
haven't created the right right3:18
they haven't created i should say the3:20
right relationships3:21
around the golf ball it's incredibly3:23
difficult from there if you don't do3:24
that you're just relying3:25
heavily on your skill and talent and if3:27
you don't have a lot of skill and talent3:28
the result is often poor so we need to3:30
make sure our setup is correct3:32
now for a chip shot and like i said3:34
remember we're talking about these very3:35
very short shots around the green where3:36
you would vary the club3:38
there's a couple of things i want you to3:39
focus on i want the sternum3:43
so the buttons are in shirt or the zip3:45
on your top to be3:46
slightly in front of the golf ball3:49
the best way for me to do that is to put3:51
a little bit of weight on my lead side3:52
so notice how3:54
that then hangs slightly in front of the3:56
golf ball and the ball would look a3:57
little bit back in the stance3:59
that's the first thing the second thing4:01
would be to have a little bit of4:04
lean forward in the golf club i pretty4:05
much want the butt of the club4:07
underneath that sternum so if we drew a4:09
line from the sternum straight through4:10
the butt of the club4:12
they should both be in front of the golf4:13
ball now when i do that4:16
i've now created a great relationship4:19
for me to be able to do a couple of4:20
it's enabling me to work the club a4:22
little bit more upwards in the backswing4:24
a little bit more downwards which helps4:25
me with the strike i want a slightly4:27
negative attack angle here a little bit4:28
of a downward strike4:30
and it also helps me get my shoulders a4:32
little closer to level4:36
that is absolutely what we need to avoid4:38
yet this is possibly4:40
the most common setup that we say ball4:42
looks back handed is forwards4:44
but just look at where my buttons are4:46
and the tilt across my shoulders4:48
really difficult to play golf from here4:49
the club often wants to go on the inside4:51
it stays too low to the ground4:53
really easy to kind of hit those really4:55
poor strikes4:56
like that so set up for success make4:59
sure that the sternum5:00
and the grip of the club are slightly in5:02
front of the golf ball and your5:04
are fairly level that's the best way5:08
for you to guarantee5:11
the strike on those little chip shots5:13
around the greens5:15
and that one almost went in point numberTip 3 Get in close
get in close don't be scared of that5:20
golf ball5:22
this is an a-time now i wouldn't really5:24
use this for the flag5:25
that's in front of me so if we visualize5:27
that flag being another you know 15-205:29
feet onto that green and i decided that5:31
eight-arm was the golf club5:32
it's a relatively long club it's sort of5:35
getting close to the middle of my bag5:36
and it has what we call a lie angle now5:38
the lie angle5:38
is the angle formed between the sole of5:40
the club and the club shaft that lie5:42
angle pretty much5:44
dictates where i should stand5:48
the golf club is pretty much sold out5:50
the club is at its angle and i would5:51
here to hold that golf club that's great5:54
for four golfing but i'm not using that5:56
golf club5:56
for a full shot i really want a shorter5:58
shot clearly a little bit more finesse a6:00
little bit more touch6:01
so don't be scared of that golf ball get6:04
yourself in6:05
super super close you'll notice that6:07
i've stood really close almost like i'm6:09
putting here now6:10
because the golf club is a little bit6:12
longer than our daily ideally like6:15
let's go down the handle a little bit6:17
but getting enclosed does6:18
so many things the first thing it does6:21
is it starts to mean that the golf club6:23
sits a little bit more up onto its toe6:25
that's perfect for chipping this part of6:27
the golf club here is absolutely what we6:29
want to have interacting with the ground6:31
we do not want the sole or the heel6:33
becomes a little bit more dangerous we6:34
bring in a few poorer strikes or the6:36
option of some poor strikes6:37
so standing a little closer raises the6:40
heel off6:40
makes it much easier and especially when6:42
that grass maybe gets a little bit6:43
maybe in those fringe areas it becomes6:46
much easier for that golfer to move6:48
through the grass without being sort of6:50
interfered with too much6:51
the other things that it does is it6:53
helps that golf club move6:55
straighter back straighter through the6:57
further i stand away6:58
the golf club naturally works on an arc7:02
straight to back straight to through7:03
it's going to help you control the7:04
the club face is going to open and close7:10
far less again that's really going to7:11
help you with the direction you really7:13
want to get to the point where you're7:14
trying to hold these you know you might7:15
read it like a putt and7:16
having that club face open far less7:19
really really helps that again7:20
the further you stand the more the club7:22
works inside and open7:24
and then inside and closed becomes more7:26
difficult to control7:28
the direction and the final thing7:30
standing in closer does7:31
is it makes the club work a little bit7:33
more up and a little bit more down7:35
again if i stand miles away the club7:37
tends to stay much lower to the ground7:39
so just standing in closer just to so7:42
many goals good things if you had to7:44
take just7:45
one thing from this video that would be7:47
the one thing i would suggest7:48
but we're having a point number three7:50
standing in much much closer7:52
clearly i'm not going to hit towards7:53
this flag here but that's really going7:55
to help me7:56
be more consistent8:02
as they're clearly not going for that8:03
first flag but that would be a pretty8:05
nice shot8:05
low rolling to a flag widget at the back8:07
of the greenTip 4 Keep your butt moving
tip number four keep your butt moving8:12
let me explain this is what we call the8:15
butt of the club the butt of the grip8:17
and if we think about the shot we're8:19
trying to hit the ball's got to carry8:21
you know three to four five paces it's8:22
not particularly far8:24
so i can move the club head enough8:27
distance and with enough speed8:29
to create that carry with just my wrists8:32
so as you can see8:32
i'm just using my wrist and i can you8:34
know probably generate enough force to8:35
make that ball carry three to four yards8:37
when i do that the butt of the club8:41
doesn't really move there's not a lot of8:42
travel to it what do we see from the8:44
best chipper as well from the best8:45
if i take one hand off so you can see we8:48
would see8:50
the butt of the club traveling a much8:54
greater distance i'm not using the8:56
wrists i'm using the body motion8:58
to create this chipping motion when we9:01
do that9:02
the butt keeps moving if it doesn't9:05
and you're that golfer uses lots of9:07
that's when you can easily hit those9:11
shots lots of wrists you can thin it9:13
right the way through9:14
the back of the green and unfortunately9:16
you're often faced with the same9:18
shot again so it's really important9:22
that we try to keep the book moving and9:23
in order to do that as we said there9:25
it's just using a little bit of body9:27
rotation a little bit of body pivot and9:29
you know that ball is only going to9:30
carry three to four yards but it's still9:32
important that we engage that body9:35
use the bigger muscles take the wrists9:36
out and that is going to enable you to9:39
hit much much better chip shots around9:40
the green so9:41
keep your butt movingTip 5 Work on your performance
and finally point number five is all9:51
about trying to work on your performance9:54
when you're out on the golf course9:55
you've gone through the first four9:56
you've done a bit of practice you're9:58
starting to chip a little bit better10:00
how do you ensure that you get the ball10:01
really close and give yourself a tap in10:03
i want you to think about where your10:05
focus is the best players10:07
who chip the ball the best stare at the10:10
glance at the ball the others10:13
potentially in this category10:15
stare at the golf ball glance at the10:17
have you ever seen this goal from the10:19
golf course practice swings10:21
eyes are down here10:25
they shuffle in10:31
there might be a quick quick glance at10:34
the flag10:35
and that is about it that's a goal for10:37
very much focused on technique10:38
very much focus on what they're doing10:40
often a little nervous a little10:42
apprehensive not10:43
confident and they're really thinking10:45
about the technique the best players you10:47
watch them when they're in over the ball10:48
they're staring at the target10:50
they're building a picture of what10:52
they're trying to do where is that golf10:53
ball going to land10:54
how high is it going to do what's it10:56
going to do when it hits the ground is10:58
there any break on it they're staring at11:00
the target11:01
they step in there's a glance at the11:03
ball but it's back onto that target11:05
they're staring at the toilet they're11:06
what's out in front of you we have to11:10
feel and judge how hard hit the shot11:13
how can we do that if we're not really11:14
looking at the target11:16
hard to look at the target which hit the11:18
ball but our pre-shot routine we need to11:20
be absorbing what's in front of us11:22
starting to look at the point we want11:24
the ball to land starting to visualize11:26
those things we spoke about that is11:27
the only way you're going to have the11:29
best touch and the best feel11:31
so once your technique is to a point11:33
where you're comfortable and you're11:34
striking the ball better11:35
you're a lot more confident make sure11:38
that you're glancing at the ball and11:40
staring at the target11:41
so let's go ahead and hit one practice11:44
swings are always a good idea first11:46
that's a great chance for you to do11:48
those things you just mentioned where11:50
we're sort of really starting to11:52
take in what's in front of me and then11:54
once we've got an idea what we're trying11:56
to do we can go ahead and execute12:08
and it's not in but that should be a12:10
pretty simple tapping12:12
so maybe you've just come out of winter12:14
you've not really hit many shots from12:15
here you've not had a lot of practice12:17
a little bit rusty techniques maybe just12:19
left you a little bit12:20
those five tips i really believe are12:22
going to get you back chipping12:23
at your best transforming your chipping12:26
much much better12:27
to have confidence that you can get up12:28
and down from there so usual stuff is12:30
down below thanks for watching12:31
there's a like button down there love to12:33
hear your comments please click that12:34
subscribe button if you're not12:36
a subscriber of the channel really12:37
believe these videos can help you12:39
unlock your best golf and enjoy your12:41
time on the course a little bit more12:43
thanks for watching and hopefully we'll12:44
see you back here again soonEnglish (auto-generated)
1. Diversify Your Club Use
- Know Your Clubs: One of the best pieces of golf chipping advice is to understand how each club performs in chipping.
- Adapt to the Situation: Whether it's a 56-degree wedge or an eight iron, ensure you select the right club for the specific shot. If it's a back pin... maybe you want to use a lower lofted club and run it back there. If it's a short-sided chip... maybe you want to use a more lofted chip with less roll.
2. Perfect Your Setup
- Position Matters: Ensure your sternum (or the buttons on your shirt) is slightly ahead of the golf ball for an optimal strike.
- Align Your Club: The butt of the club should be directly below the sternum, both positioned in front of the ball.
- Maintain Level Shoulders: A level shoulder stance can drastically enhance your chipping precision.
3. Embrace Proximity
- Engage More Closely with the Ball: A crucial piece of golf chipping advice is not to shy away from standing closer to the ball. This stance aids the club in sitting more on its toe, which is ideal for chipping.
- Direct Club Movement: A closer stance allows the club to move in a straighter trajectory, ensuring better control over direction.
4. Keep the Club's Butt in Motion
- Body Engagement is Key: Instead of just using your wrists, involve your entire body in the chipping motion. This approach ensures the butt of the club covers a more significant distance, leading to consistent shots.
5. Prioritize Performance Visualization
- Targeted Focus: Top chippers often emphasize focusing on the target and merely glancing at the ball. This approach aids in shot visualization and improved accuracy.
- Pre-shot Visualization: Before executing the shot, mentally map out where you want the ball to land and its behavior post-landing.
"006 - Jonathan Behannah's downhill, sidehill chip to 18" by PiktourUK is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Q: What's the most crucial club for chipping?
A: The ideal club varies based on the situation. The best golf chipping advice is to familiarize yourself with all your clubs to make an informed choice.
Q: What's the recommended setup for a chip shot?
A: Position your sternum slightly ahead of the ball, and ensure the butt of the club aligns with it.
Q: How can I enhance my chipping precision?
A: Concentrate on the target, visualize the shot's trajectory, and engage your body in the chipping motion.
Chipping Advice Conclusion
To wrap up, chipping is a pivotal aspect of golf that can make or break your game. By heeding this golf chipping advice and practicing consistently, you'll be mastering the greens in no time. Share your thoughts below in the comments.