Welcome to our guide on mastering the short game, featuring Dan Grieve's 3 Releases. As one of golf's best short game instructors, Dan breaks down the complexities of the short game into three distinct releases, each tailored for different scenarios. This is one of the best instructional tips I've seen on the short game.
right hi everyone so I get lots of0:03
questions about what are the three0:05
releas is what are the difference is so0:06
this video really is just going to run0:08
through key differences so you can0:10
really understand the short game own it0:12
and start to understand what shot to0:14
play where which is what it's all about0:16
so we're going to start with release one0:17
kind of the most basic green side chip I0:20
call it the Chip And Run it's a0:21
lowlighted shot which will land and run0:23
out it will run out more if you use less0:25
Loft less if you use more Loft assuming0:27
a good strike of course so when talk0:30
about three releases what I'm actually0:32
talking about is how the club swings0:35
through the ball okay so how it releases0:38
or swings this way and what we're what0:41
we're trying to imagine here is a laser0:43
coming out the top of the grip there and0:44
as it swings through just past impact0:48
where is that pointing now if it's0:49
pointing somewhere near that lead hip0:52
That's What I Call release one that0:54
means we're going to be using the front0:56
section of the bounce just to bruise the0:58
grass behind it and nip the ball okay1:01
which is that front section okay which1:03
encourages then slight Shar Lan and that1:06
little nip which flights the ball down1:08
okay so that's release one so here I've1:10
got a 56° so it's a sand wedge ideal for1:14
this front pin because it's downhill and1:16
it's fairly short obviously there's1:18
other options here you could use your1:19
putter or whatever for the benefit of1:21
this video we're talking about how to1:23
release it and how to actually chip1:25
rather than putt so we're going to set1:28
up with a ball just back of Center1:29
little bit of a forward lean don't go1:31
crazy it's going to take too much of the1:32
bounce off and we're going to try and1:34
get the shoulders as level as possible1:37
and the three releases have different1:39
wrist positions so for release one which1:41
is the lowest flighting shot we're going1:43
to get the wrist in the highest position1:44
so you can see how the angle there is1:47
fairly flat on my lead wrist okay which1:49
is going to discourage wrist action okay1:53
there'll be some because you're going to1:54
grip it lightly but we don't want to be1:56
getting too excessively in with the1:58
wrist hinge when you set the hands lower2:00
that encourages more wrist okay so we2:02
get the hands nice and high borders back2:04
to Center shoulders as level as you can2:06
make them and really don't feel like2:07
you're going to get too risky going back2:09
but really concentrate on where impact2:12
is and you see how the butt of the grip2:14
there is very much close to that front2:15
hip okay my chest my hands and the club2:18
head are all working together I'm not2:20
driving the hands with no rotation that2:23
would be release zero you can see the2:24
balls come off much hotter hasn't2:26
released at all and if I was just2:28
flipping with my wrist2:30
only okay that would be a big scoop see2:32
I hit way behind the wall there release2:35
way outside the back foot the back back2:36
hip there so you can call it almost a2:38
release four if you like so release one2:42
let's get this right this time got the2:43
sound word you'll see a little bit of2:45
check and you'll see it just gently run2:47
out towards the hole and in there we go2:49
you can see how the but of grip is2:51
pointing here okay very simple drill you2:53
can all do to get the feeling of this2:54
one is grip it down by the feral which2:57
is this black part on the club here on2:59
the on the front hip take it back and3:02
then rotate to the finish and this just3:05
gives you a great feeling for how your3:07
rotation works and how that release3:09
point is there which is on this front3:11
hip okay now obviously I can do release3:14
one with pretty much every Club in the3:15
bag that was a 56 ideal for the front3:18
pin if I'm going out towards the back3:20
pin there then a 56 probably isn't the3:23
right Club because it will check up too3:25
much so here would be the3:27
example I've used it can you see it's3:30
checking I played that absolutely3:31
perfectly but you can see how the ball3:33
struggled to run out so rather than3:35
struggle with The Sand Wedge go to3:38
something like an3:39
eight don't change anything in the setup3:44
but you'll see how the ball will have3:45
less spin with the3:47
eight and it will have more speed so you3:50
can see how that Ball's running out a3:51
lot easier and getting down there3:53
towards the pin so it's just a simple3:55
change in in Loft change the spin on the3:58
ball the release is exactly the same on4:01
that front hip so that's release one now4:03
it's second two release4:07
two right so release two so this4:10
situation we've got here where we're off4:13
the green but we have to carry around4:16
about 60% of Fringe to then hit a down4:19
slope and and filter it down to the hole4:21
so if I was to stick to the release one4:25
technique which we remember is a lower4:27
flighted shot which tends to then kick4:29
on a little bit if I just have that one4:32
technique I've played that really nicely4:34
but you can see how that Ball's just4:36
running on past the hole I couldn't have4:38
played that any better so if I want to4:41
start now getting a little bit more4:42
softness in Flight a little bit more4:44
Spin and control for this sort of shot4:45
where it's quick and downhill I need to4:48
use more of the middle section of the4:50
bounce which is released to what I call4:52
a soft Landing shot so this release4:56
point is where the but of the grip4:57
starts to point back towards the belt5:00
buckle area just past impacts so we're5:03
using more of the sole more of the5:05
bounce here to work through this way um5:08
I'm not going to go into all the detail5:10
of this shot this is this this video5:12
really is just about just trying to get5:13
some real good Basics across to it I've5:15
got the book there there's loads of5:16
detail in there and look through the5:17
other videos but um just so we're clear5:20
on this shot we do need a reasonable lie5:23
doesn't need to be amazing but we need5:26
to make sure we have some grass under5:29
the ball5:30
okay if we if it was sitting down here5:32
for example and we look at the shot and5:35
my mind is saying I'd love to play the5:36
soft Landing shot but actually if I try5:39
to play it from this5:41
lie it's not supposed to be that easy5:43
but you can see that's moved on a little5:45
bit but even from that lie it's not easy5:48
I happen to play it quite well but if I5:50
was not quite so perfect there it would5:52
land it' be very difficult to get that5:54
club under the ball okay so you need a5:57
reasonable lie to attempt this shot and5:59
that means the leading that sits more6:01
under the ball so ball forward flare the6:05
foot out a little bit more tiny bit6:07
further away we're to the second wrist6:08
position really light grip pressure6:10
that's the key if you can just take one6:12
thing from this video just take lighter6:14
grip pressure and then the club starts6:15
to swing itself got to make sure you go6:18
back on a good plane and try and get6:20
that club in a tot position so it6:21
protects the LOF and the bounce will not6:23
getting too too close there and the key6:25
here really is not rushing just trying6:27
to let the bounce slide under the ball6:29
keep your chest moving and then what6:30
we'll see here is is a softer6:32
shot and you'll see have a lot more spin6:35
you can see how it holds that slope more6:39
okay very quick down there let's see if6:41
we can soften that up a little bit more6:44
this is a6:45
56° by the way there you got a little6:49
bit more spin there6:51
look nice and close so this is a 56 I'm6:54
a big fan of using 54 56 maybe 58 for6:57
this shot you can can use a 60 the7:00
problem with using a7:02
60 is you got to be so good with the7:05
speed it's so easy for that ball to ride7:07
up the grues that much loft um and then7:10
it's very hard to control it I'll give7:11
it a7:12
but like I was a bit quick on that7:17
because I knew it's quite a week loss so7:20
I know your sort of your your logical7:23
mind might be saying well I use the most7:24
lofted Club but actually you're going to7:26
get more success probably with your7:27
second most lofted Club for for this7:29
release so hopefully that helps you7:32
understand the release Point that's the7:33
most important thing really about this7:35
video is to get the understanding of7:36
where the club releases okay little bit7:38
of cupping in the lead wrist but grip7:40
back towards the belt buckle we keep7:42
turning nicely connected The Arc here as7:45
well it's fairly narrow it's not as wide7:47
as the release one but really just work7:49
on where that but grip's pointing keep7:51
your chest supporting the release as7:53
well and just be relaxed let the club7:55
swing let it flow we don't want any7:58
pulling and grabbing for this shot8:00
so release three this is the fun release8:02
this is the lob shot okay it's um8:05
slightly more dangerous if you haven't8:06
practiced it enough if it goes wrong8:08
okay so you don't need this shot in your8:10
game but you need to appreciate this is8:12
a a release and it is a release you can8:13
use when you want to hit the ball high8:16
either out the sand okay or when you8:19
want you've got very little green to8:20
work with and you want to need need to8:22
play that sort of lob shot the caveat8:24
here is you do need to have a8:26
lie that is okay you need you wouldn't8:29
play this off hard pan right I'll show8:30
you that in a second but the LI here is8:33
okay there is some grass under ball it's8:35
not amazing a bit of a Sandy kind of8:37
piece of land here but we can get the8:39
club under the ball so we're looking to8:40
use this section of the bounce now okay8:42
the trailing section so the release8:44
Point here is towards the back hiip8:47
maximum cup in the wrist this way okay8:49
the loft is on and we work around the8:51
corner um it's a longer swing it's a8:53
risty swing but you still need to make8:55
sure you're turning going to widen the8:57
stance up here because we need a longer8:59
uh it's a longer swing so we need a9:00
wider base ball forward shaft neutral no9:03
lean here at all we want all the bounce9:05
showing nice and brave with the swing9:07
try and cut the wrist to get the club as9:08
open as possible and then fire it under9:11
the ball there's a little bit more9:13
conscious release in this one whereas9:15
release two was a bit more just letting9:16
the club swing on its own Force this is9:19
a little bit more meant through the ball9:22
with that bottom hand okay only play9:24
this shot when you have very little9:25
green to work with and just weigh up the9:28
situation you maybe wouldn't do it so9:30
much in stroke play but you maybe do it9:31
in match play for example um here9:34
there's probably a little bit too much9:35
green to play I could still probably do9:37
the release two for this situation for9:39
those that are looking keenly on with9:41
with with your eyes in terms of how much9:42
green there is but imagine there's a bit9:44
less green okay and I've got a flight a9:46
little bit near the9:48
pin right let's give that a go so we're9:50
down there ball forward keep the chest9:52
moving release the9:54
club it's a nice high release and you9:57
can see how quickly that stops okay you9:59
see how the the club is kind of going in10:01
the holster as I call it here and the10:03
holster move comes from really releasing10:05
it nice and narrow and then it comes10:07
around the corner and into the holster10:10
so um no real kind of no real charging10:14
at it I've just got to keep everything10:17
moving wind's a little bit off the right10:19
so you got to allow for the wind a10:20
little bit with this shot because it's10:22
hanging in the air so10:25
much you see how softly that lands and10:28
just trickles out okay so you know great10:30
shot to have in your locker um brilliant10:33
out of the bunker as well like I say you10:36
do need to have an okay lie to play it10:39
if you were in a divot and you're in10:41
this situation well sometimes you got to10:43
take your medicine a little bit I would10:45
play a release one because I want to get10:48
the club face on the ball when it's10:50
sitting down I don't want to be using10:51
the bounce and i' accept it's going to10:53
go lower and it's going to run out a10:55
little bit more so I'm going to play10:57
that back in the stance a little bit of10:58
hinge though10:59
get the ball first and then hopefully11:02
hold that pot for a for an up and down11:04
okay so understand the light is really11:07
critical but that's release three really11:09
fire it use your most lofty Club I've11:11
got 60 in my hand here use your most11:12
lofty Club release it keep turning so11:15
you've now got three releases you got11:17
the front hip for your chip and run11:20
you've got the belt buckle for your soft11:22
Landing shot and you got the back hip11:25
for your lob shot three releases got to11:28
match it to the line and you got to use11:30
the right Club at the right time but11:31
hopefully that helps you understand the11:33
free releases a little bit more much11:34
more to learn from different videos in11:36
the book but um hopefully that helps you11:38
game all the bestUnderstanding the 3 Releases
The video and information below will give you a solid foundation of Dan's short game techniques. If you want to take it a step further...
I highly recommend you get his book...
3 Releases: The Short Game System: Transform Your Technique & Thinking
Dan has taught some of the best professionals in the world and you'll get drills, setup, swing sequences and more...
Release One: The Chip and Run
- Ideal for: Green-side chips
- Technique: Utilizes the front section of the club's bounce and butt of the club will release at the lead hip at impact.
- Result: A low-flying shot with varying roll depending on the loft used
- Pro Tips:
- Use a higher wrist position to minimize wrist action
- Keep the ball just back of center with a slight forward lean
- Focus on maintaining the club's butt close to the lead hip at impact
Release Two: The Soft Landing Shot
- Ideal for: Situations with a downhill slope or when more spin and control are needed
- Technique: Engages the middle section of the club's bounce and focuses on the butt of the club pointing back at your sternum or belt buckle.
- Result: Higher flight with more spin, ideal for quick, downhill greens
- Pro Tips:
- Requires a reasonable lie with some grass under the ball
- Position the ball forward, with a lighter grip and flared foot
- Focus on a relaxed grip to feel the weight of the clubhead
Release Three: The Lob Shot
- Needs a decent lie; avoid hard pan surfaces
- Adopt a wider stance, with the ball forward and no shaft lean
- Emphasize wrist cupping to maintain loft and use a conscious release through the ball
Q: Can I use Release One with any club?
A: Absolutely! You can adapt it to various clubs depending on the distance to the pin.
Q: Is Release Two suitable for all lies?
A: Release Two requires a reasonably good lie. If the ball is sitting down too much, it’s challenging to get the club under the ball for the desired soft landing. Also if you have a hard pan lie... You're most likely better off using release 1.
Q: When should I opt for Release Three?
A: Use Release Three in high-risk situations where you have minimal green to work with or need to escape tricky sand traps. It's a more advanced technique and requires practice.
Mastering these three releases can significantly improve your short game. It gives you versatility and imagination for a variety of shots. Remember, the key lies in choosing the right release for the right situation. Practice these techniques/releases to drastically improve your short game and scoring.
Happy golfing!